Immerse yourself in the enchanting melodies of the Callaway Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Paul Hostetter, at Symphony on the Sand. Set against the serene shores of Robin Lake Beach, this annual event promises an unforgettable night of orchestral magic. Relax on the sandy beach under the starlit sky and indulge in the soul-stirring sounds of live music. Join us for an unforgettable symphonic experience at Callaway Resort & Gardens.
Robin Lake Beach
Concert Begins at 7:30 pm; Beach Gate Opens at 5pm.
Package includes overnight accommodations, Tickets to Symphony on the Sand, and Callaway Gardens Admission each day of stay and day of departure.
Spring into new family memories with exciting seasonal adventures at Callaway Resort & Gardens. Beginning March 1 through April 28, hike, bike or fly on a zipline through 2,500 acres of springtime splendor. Don't wait to start making endless family memories. Plan your visit today!