Toys: The Inside Story

Opens June 15th

Peek inside some common toys while exploring the basics of pulleys, cams, gears, linkages, and circuits. If your parents never let you break open your Etch A Sketch® to find out how it works, or if you’ve been wondering how to stop your toddler’s push toy from making such an infernal racket, you’ll love Toys: The Inside Story.

Toys: The Inside Story includes hands-on stations illustrating the simple mechanisms commonly found in toys, and lets visitors create their own toy-like combinations of gears, pulleys, linkages, cams, and circuits. Designed for children and their families. Visit the Discovery Center today and see this limited-time exhibit from June 15 through September 4! Become a Member and enjoy this experience all summer long!

Included with Gardens Admission

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Jack In The Box Jack In The Box

What’s Inside Jack-in-the-Box?

What makes Jack jump? Pick up a real Jack-in-the-Box with clear sides and turn the crank. A second Jack-in-the-Box has a camera inside—as you turn the crank, watch the display to see close-up how the worm gear and cam mechanism turn him loose.

Gears at Play

Movable gears on a big table can set all sorts of objects in motion. Figure out how to use different sized gears to spin the carousel and ballerinas as fast as possible.

Toy Gears Toy Gears
Hokey Pokey Hokey Pokey

What’s Inside the Hokey Pokey?

Hokey Pokey Elmo® loses his red fur and plastic skin to reveal the source of his moves. Check out the motor, cam, circuit board and switches that make Elmo dance!

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