About Us

Mission & Vision

Callaway Gardens was conceived and created by Cason J. Callaway and his wife, Virginia Hand Callaway, for the benefit of mankind. In 1950, Cason and Virginia deeded the land that is now Callaway Resort & Gardens to the Ida Cason Callaway Foundation, a foundation previously established by Fuller Callaway Sr. for charities. Today, Callaway Gardens – a public, educational, horticultural, and charitable organization – is owned and operated by the non-profit Ida Cason Callaway Foundation. Its wholly owned subsidiary, Callaway Gardens Resort, Inc. – a corporation – operates the recreational, lodging, and retail facilities at Callaway Resort & Gardens. After-tax proceeds from the Resort go to the Foundation to support expansion and improvement of the Gardens as well as the Gardens’ educational programs. The Foundation also receives income from gate admission to the Gardens, as well as corporate and individual donations.

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Our Mission

Connecting people and nature in a way that benefits both.


Our Vision

“Inspired by those before us, we will leave for those who follow, a legacy which benefits mankind.” This was the vision of Cason & Virginia Callaway, and we aspire to fulfill it through a number of events and programs that reach far beyond the boundaries of the Gardens, into the local community, and throughout the country.


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